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Thomas Dydimus was one of the twelve disciples of Christ. He did not doubt God but the womens testimony (and Peter and Johns) that He had actaully risen bodily from nthe dead. So he says he would not believe until he saw Him himself and could put His fingers into the wounds that had been afflicted. The story is told in John 20:24-28. You should read it on line...

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Q: Who was thomas who doubted god?
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Who doubted that jesus rose from thedead?


Who doubted Jesus in the New Testament?

It was his disciple Thomas.

Who doubted that jesus had been raised from the dead?

"doubting" Thomas.

Is it ok to doubt god?

Yes. A number of great saints of the church had "Dark nights of the soul." Even at one point the writer of Ecclesiastes in the Bible doubted God. At the end of the book he had ceased to doubt. If people in the Bible doubted God, it is OK for you. Be sure to tell God that you doubt him.

What did Thomas do after Christ was killed?

He doubted Our Lord's Resurrection, until he saw Him for himself. He then acknowledged Him as Lord & God, & years later, preached the Gospel in India.

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Many may not have believed it, even Thomas doubted that jesus arose from the dead.

What is doubting thomas's story?

Doubting Thomas is a biblical reference to the Apostle Thomas who doubted Jesus's resurrection until he saw and touched His wounds. This story emphasizes the importance of faith and belief without seeing physical proof.

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I don't recall any passage with a story like this.

What is the biblical meaning of the name Thomas?

The name Thomas means "twin" in Aramaic. In the Bible, Thomas was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He is often known as "Doubting Thomas" because he initially doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw and touched the wounds of Jesus.

What disciple doubted that Jesus came back to life?

Thomas initially could not believe Jesus was present with them after crucifixion. His doubts quickly disappeared when Jesus spoke to him and invited Thomas to touch His wounds.

Who did Jesus visit aftyer he resurrected?

Thomas the Apostle, who doubted Jesus' resurrection and demanded to feel Jesus' wounds before being convinced.

How did St. Thomas show his love to God?

Thomas was willing to die for his God, and did.