

Who was tom in The Great Gatsby?

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Savanna Parisian

Lvl 10
4y ago

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There is no "champ" in the Great Gatsby movie. You are retarted and obvioulsy deaf or you would know this by just watching the movie. Watch the movie again.

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Nona Bogan

Lvl 10
2y ago
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14y ago

There is no "champ" in the Great Gatsby movie. You are retarted and obvioulsy deaf or you would know this by just watching the movie. Watch the movie again.

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13y ago

The Greek who lives next to Wilson in the Valley of the Ashes, he is portrayed as a churchgoer and helpful neighbour showing concern for Wilson after Myrtle is killed by the yellow car.

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Daisy Buchanan.

Who was daisys husband in The Great Gatsby?

Daisy Buchanan's husband in "The Great Gatsby" is Tom Buchanan.