

Who were 2 Famous natives that came over to Canada?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Who were 2 Famous natives that came over to Canada?
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What are the native people called in Canada?

The natives of Canada, (also known as the Aboriginals) are the first people who came to Canada. Some of the tribes are: Algonquian, Inuit, Mates, Micmac etc. There are many different tribes who live in different villages. Many natives of Canada are still alive today, as the Natives are a breed of people. I have went to British Columbia before, where Natives are very popular. I have seen many Natives singing on the streets. Did you know the natives and the pioneers drink alcohol a lot? In fact, they start taking drugs at as little age as six years old! Thankyou very much, I enjoy sharing information with the world, to help people learn. I am 26 and I enjoy helping little children learn around the world.

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In what war did Brittan and France fight for control over Canada?

None. Canada has always belonged to France, Great Brittan never wanted Canada. Canada is infact though its own country, belonging to its self in habitaned by mostly french speaking natives. Canada has NEVER been the source of a war.

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There are many singers in Canada, often the number is over in the thousands, especially if you are referring to the more famous singers that come from Canada.

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David Thompson set up forts all over Canada

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soccer might of came from china since over there they started kicking a ball over 3000 years ago. but the game took shape got famous in England .

What happened to the natives once the spanish took over?

the natives had to learn Christianity and change their way of religion.

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because the British troops came down from Canada and tried to take over new England.

5 way Canada is different from Us?

1. Some cities in Canada have marijuana legalized. 2. The drinking age varies from 18-21. 3. There is a Prime Minister instead of a President. 4. There is a higher percentage of Natives in Canada, over USA. 5. The obese rate is higher in USA.