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Q: Who were Stonehenge builders?
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What did the builders of Stonehenge accomplish?

They demonstrated that some natural events are predictable.

The builders of Stonehenge used a principle of construction called?

They used mortise and tenons to locate the lintels on the trilithons.

Is Stonehenge myth or a legend?

Stonehenge is a very real thing found in southern England, but the reasons for its creation are unknown. So no, I wouldn't really consider Stonehenge itself to be a myth or legend, but the reasons for its building are probably due to the builders' religion.

What materials were used at Stonehenge?

The outcrop sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Cretaceous, Santonian Age, calcium carbonates. The outcrop sedimentary rocks comprise the first construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 85 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Seaford Chalk Formation (Stonehenge White Chalk). The oldest limestone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Mississippian Period (Early Carboniferous), Arundian Age, calcium carbonates. The Mississippian Period limestone sedimentary rocks comprise the first (1st) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 340 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Birnbeck Limestone Formation (Stonehenge Whitestones). The volcanic rocks (oldest geologically) at Stonehenge are the Ordovician Period intrusive igneous diabases (dolerites), and extrusive igneous felsites (rhyolites) and tuffs (basic). The Ordovician Period igneous rocks comprise the second (2nd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 470 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Ordovician Volcanics (Stonehenge Bluestones). The oldest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Silurian and Devonian Period micaceous sandstones. The Silurian and Devonian Period sedimentary sandstone rocks comprise the third (3rd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 417 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Old Red Sandstone Formation (Stonehenge Coshestons). The youngest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Oligocene and Miocene Period silicates. The Oligocene and Miocene Period sandstone sedimentary rocks comprise the fourth (4th) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 24 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Reading Formation (Stonehenge Sarsens).

How did the builders raise stones off the ground to build the stonehedge?

Stonehenge was built by many people hauling the rocks into place and then were tipped using stone counter weights.

Who designed the Stonehenge?

There are probably hundreds of myths and legends about Stonehenge. Various people have attributed the building of this great megalith to the Danes, Romans, Saxons, Greeks, Atlantes, Egyptians, Phoenicians Celts, King Aurelius Ambrosius's, Merlin, and even Aliens. One of the most popular beliefs was that Stonehenge was built by the Druids. These high priests of the Celts, constructed it for sacrificial ceremonies. It was John Aubrey, who first linked Stonehenge to the Druids. Additionally, Dr. William Stukeley, another Stonehenge antiquary, also claimed the Druids were Stonehenge's builders. Stukeley studied Stonehenge a century later than Aubrey and became so involved in the study of the Druid religion that he himself became one. Through his work he was very instrumental in popularizing the theory that Stonehenge was built by Druids.

Prehistoric English site of tall huge stone slabs is?


What can you do at Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is in the country, but there is a guided audio tour and a giftshop on the Stonehenge site.

What is there to do in Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is in the country, but there is a guided audio tour and a giftshop on the Stonehenge site.

Is Stonehenge in Ireland?

No. Stonehenge is in Wiltshire, England.

This ancient observatory is located on a desolate plain in England is?

it's Stonehenge !!! :)

How did Stonehenge come?

The Stonehenge i would say is Gray