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Q: Who were concerned that many Americans had a weak national government during the late 18th century?
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What did the 19th century Americans value and where did they look for their national identity?

Americans were nervous that gaining the territory that they would be breaking their national identity.

Which economic policy was the national government allowed to implement during the nineteenth century?

What economic policy was the national government not allowed to implement during the nineteenth century?

When was the dissagreement over the role of the national government?

The disagreement over the role of the national government emerged during the founding of the United States in the late 18th century. It led to the creation of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist factions during the debates over adopting the United States Constitution. The Federalists favored a strong central government, while the Anti-Federalists were concerned about the concentration of power and advocated for more states' rights.

Which 19th century book described the US government's broken promises and unfair treatment of Native Americans?

A Century of Dishonor

What book described the US government unfair treatment to the native Americans?

"A Century Of Dishonor"

How did the role of US federal government evolved from the 20th century?

How did the role of US federal government evolved during the 20th century? mainly the role of government in the everyday lives of Americans, and the changes between liberty and power.

What economic policy was the national government not allowed to implement during the nineteenth century?

The federal government was not allowed to implement federally owned national banks in the nineteenth century. The government and the states relied on banks that were chartered, but privately owned. President Martin Van Buren separated the government from banks by creating the federal reserve.

Voters and politicians concerned over corruption in the federal government in the late-nineteenth century focused on?

Patronage jobs and veterans pensions.

Why were so many 18th century Americans concerned about the executives salary?

they were worried that the executives would become corrupt due to bribes made by the king himself.

Which book exposed how the Native Americans had been mistreated by the US government?

Helen Hunt Jackson's A Century of Dishonor

Why did the century Democrats not like using federal money to build transportation systems?

They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

What 19th century book described the US government's broken promises and unfair treatment of Native Americans?

The 1881 book that exposed the harsh treatment of Native Americans was "A Century of Dishonor". Helen Hunt Jackson wrote the book in 1881.