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It means "undesirable people" who would ruin the goal of a pure Aryan race with good, whole, healthy people. This meant they had a goal of ruling a Europe with only "Aryan" people. This term by the way is a made up term Hitler latched onto and is not a scientific or medical term of any people groups. Anyhow, Jews, communists, mentally ill people, dwarfs and other people with genetic anomalies, feeble minded people who were brain damaged or mentally underdeveloped, blacks, Slavs, and other politically bad people were all considered undesirable. There were probably categories I don't even know about included in their concept of undesirable. They killed them off or used them for medical experiments.

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Jews..gays...blacks... anti nazi simpathisers.. people who have ill nesses. Depression etc

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Q: What means undesirable for the Nazis?
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