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Persephone, Queen of Hades/Spring -wife

Zeus, King of Heaven- brother

Hera, Queen of Heaven -sister

Demeter, Queen of Earth, goddess of agriculture- sister and mother in law

Poseidon, King of the Sea - brother

Amphitrite, Queen of the Sea - sister in law

Hestia, goddess of home and hearth - sister

Hercules, nephew and hero

Erinyes: Alekto, Tisiphone, Megaira

Melinoe, goddess of propitiation offered to the ghosts of the dead.

Hecate, Titan goddess of witchcraft and crossroads

Macaria, goddess of death "blessing"

Judges of the Dead: Rhadamanthys, Aiakos, and Minos

Moirai (Fates)

Keres (Death-Demons)

Thanatos (Death)

Poena (Vengeance)

Charon, ferryman of the dead.

Menoites, cattle-herder of Hades.

Askalaphos, the orchardist of Hades.

Oneiroi (Dreams)

Rivers: Acheron, Kôkytos, Styx, Pyriphlegethon and Lethe.

Hermes, who brought the dead souls to the Underworld

Rivals: (a list of only those mortals who earned his direct wrath)

Peirithoos who sought to abduct Persephone, the bride of Haides.

As punishment the god trapped him on a stone chair and eternal torment.

Theseus, who accompanied him on the expedition, was freed at the request of Herakles.

Asklepios (son of Apollo) had brought back to life many who had died. Consequently, the myth goes on to say, Haides brought accusation against Asklepios, charging him before Zeus of acting to the detriment of his own province, for, he said, the number of the dead was steadily diminishing, now that men were being healed by Asklepios. So Zeus, in indignation, slew Asklepios with his thunderbolt.

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