

Who were logical positivists?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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7y ago

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Moritz Schlick, Rudolf Carnap, and Alfred North Whitebread

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Q: Who were logical positivists?
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What individuals in philosophy are examples of logical positivists?

Moritz schick, Rudolf carnap, and Alfred north whitehead

what author's philosophy helped to lay the groundwork for logical positivism?

The philosopher who helped lay the groundwork for logical positivism was Ludwig Wittgenstein. His early work in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus influenced the Vienna Circle and other logical positivists with its focus on the logical analysis of language and the idea of logical atomism.

According to the logical positivists the utterance God exists is?

considered meaningless because it is not verifiable through empirical evidence. Logical positivists believed that meaningful statements must either be directly verifiable through sense experience or be reducible to statements that are verifiable through sense experience. Since the existence of God cannot be empirically verified, they deemed it as meaningless.

What is the difference between empiricism and positivism?

Empiricist use scientific methods to test what is observable, if you cant see it cant be tested and doesn't exist - Cartesian mind/body dualism emerges. Positivists use empirical methods but in addition to testing what is observable they use logic and reason to verify or falsify the real world out there. Logical positivists argue that science is the only true form of knowledge and that moral and value judgments cant be varified or falsified.

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What is logical division?

Warsaw,30.04.2008 Logical division Logical division is inverse logical operation - it is the inverse of the logical multiplication (logical AND). More

Logical organization of data?

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What is logical?

logical means which has strong meanings.

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What identifies both the logical host and the logical network addresses?

The IP protocol identifies both the logical host as well as the logical network addresses...........

What is an example of a sentence using the word logical?

He stated a logical argument. The logical thing to do is to hear her out. Sometimes people make emotional decisions that are not logical.

What is the plural for logical?

there is no plural for logical since it is an adjective