

Who were sand abacus parents?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: Who were sand abacus parents?
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How was it the Abacus the birth of computers?

Sorry, but the abacus has nothing whatsoever to do with computers. It is only a simple manually operated calculation aid. Just a portable version of the earlier sand tables, which used pebbles moved along grooves in a thin layer of sand on a table top.A computer must be capable of some degree of automated calculation, as an abacus is not capable of any calculation without a human manually performing every step it is NOT a computer.

What are the features of the abacus?

it is like the old method of counting it is acquired with beads

Which country invented the abacus?

China invented the abacus .

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disadvantage of abacus

How did the abacus occur?

How did the abacus occur?

What does an abacus have?

An Abacus has beads and strings.

What was the first abacus?

The Chinese abacus

What is the history of the abacus?

the history about the abacus is that 3000 years ago the chinese invented the abacus. The abacus was made of wood parrelel rod and beads.

First known counting device?

it is the abacus. :D :D :D i got is dummies

What was the next comp after abacus?

The abacus II!

Who invnted abacus?

the Chinese invented the abacus