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Q: Who were some critics of FDr?
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Which one of FDR's critics were assassinated in 1935?

Which on of FDR's critics were assassinated well really i cant explain but HUEY LONG was assassinated

How successful were the socialists and communists in exploiting the unrest caused by the Great Depression?

Membership and influence among the Socialist and Communist Parties did not gain supporters or increase in numbers during the Great Depression. While FDR had his critics, none of their programs were ever adopted and FDR's popularity remained high and eventually the critics and their supporters gave up.

What did New Deal critic Charles Coughlin favor in addition to a guaranteed income?

Father Coughlin was a Roman Catholic priest who had a radio program. He proposed a complete overhaul of the monetary system, including abolition of the Federal Reserve System. While FDR had his critics, none of their programs were ever adopted and FDR's popularity remained high and eventually the critics and their supporters gave up.

What were some negative repercussions of critics about the equal rights amendment?

critics of the amendment pointed out some negative repercussions. What were they?

What are some critics' ideal boilers?

There are many ideal boilers for critics. Some ideal boilers for critics include the Buderus boilers, the ORLAN boilers, and lastly the Crown Boiler company boilers.

How did New Deal critics propose to end the depression?

There were some radical proposals. Huey Long (The Kingfish) from Louisiana gained some support for his "Share the Wealth" program. This would place taxes on the very wealthy and no personal incomes on more than one million dollars a year. This appealed to the poor and middle class. Dr. Townsend proposed a monthly pension plan in which the federal government would pay a pension to all people over 60 years of age. The pensioners would have to spend all the monthly pension before getting the next months check, and they could not work. Father Coughlin WA a Roman Catholic priest who had a radio program. He proposed a complete overhaul of the monetary system, including abolition of the Federal Reserve System. While FDR had his critics, none of their programs were ever adopted and FDR's popularity remained high and eventually the critics and their supporters gave up.

Why do some critics use a system of 4 stars as opposed to 5?

Critics use different star systems because of the difference in opinion of the critics. Some critics use the 0-4 system while others use the 0-5 system. There is also a 0-10 system. It all depends on what the critics choose to use.

What happend in 1936 during the great depression?

FDR had answered his critics and was more popular than ever. In the Election of 1936 he had only the moderate Republican Governor of Kansas, Alfred M. Landon, to face. He was no real threat to FDR who won reelection by a huge margin of votes, to another term as President.

What were the two major criticisms of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal econmic policies?

Many critics questioned FDR's New Deal on shift from individualism to collectivism, and for his extensive economic interventionism

What do critics do?

Critics criticize things. When you criticize something, you point out flaws, explain what you think of it, say how it could be improved, etc. Everybody criticizes everything to some extent, but there are some professional critics who get paid to do their job. Whenever you see the reviews of a restaurant, these are written by critics. When you see the "New York Times raves- fantastic!" in movie trailers, these things were said by critics.

Some critics find Ántonia?

Strong and invincible

Why did some literary critics criticize Charles Dickens?

Some literary critics criticized Charles Dickens for his sentimentalism and melodrama in his writing. They felt that his characters were often stereotyped and his plots overly contrived. Additionally, some critics believed that his portrayal of social issues was simplistic and lacked depth.