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Kings Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II and Darius the Great formed and consolidated the Empire.

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Q: Who were some key leaders of the Persian Empire?
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What key cities of the Persian Empire did Alexander conquer and why?

All of them, so he could take over all of the Persian Empire.

Who were the key players in the Persian War?

The Persian Empire and the Greek city-state around the eastern Mediterranean littoral.

What key cities did Alexander conquer in the Persian empire and whay?

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The Royal Road.

What was one key to sustaining the Persian Empire?

The key to maintaining the Persian Empire was that the various conquered peoples had some freedom to practice their beliefs along with their requirements as Persians. This prevented dissension and rebellion.Another view:The Persians provided internal and external security, a system of government based on local government overseen by provincial ad central control, encouraged prosperity, and taxed moderately.

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What was the key to the growth of the Persian Empire?

Its military power after it added that of Media to its own, then harnessed progressively the resources of the peoples of central Asia, Asia Minor and north Africa.

What was the key battle site of Persian Wars?

Salamis which destroyed Persian sea power.

What key cities of the Persian empire did Alexander conquer and why did he conquer these cities?

Tyre - to gain control of the Levant coastline to neutralise the Phoenician fleet. Alexandria - to neutralise the Egyptian fleet. Persepolis to eliminate the Persian capital. Babylon - to establish as his own capital, dominating the Fertile Crescent.

What is the key battle site of Persian Wars?
