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Prophets who wrote The Bible are Samuel, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, Malachi, Hosea, Ezekiel.

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Q: Who were some prophets who wrote the bible?
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Which apostles wrote The Bible?

The bible is written by prophets , apostles .

How did the people who wrote the Bible so known of God?

People who wrote the bible books were many prophets. And all prophets were called for gods work.

Who wrote the Bible and how did he or she know what happened?

There are 66 books in the Bible, written by 40 separate authors of the Bible. Some were prophets, some were witnesses and others we apostles. The Bible is the revelation of God, enabling things like the creation of the world to be written about.

Who was the person used by GOD to write the Bible?

There were several people, prophets and apostles who wrote books to make up the bible.

What is the distinction between minor and major prophets based on What book of the bible is some times referred to as a miniature Bible?

The major prophets writing is lengthy than the minor prophets. Isaiah is referred to as the miniature bible.

How many prophets are in the Bible?

There were 48 prophets in the bible.

When did the Romans invent the bible?

The bible was not "INVENTED", it was written over time, Prophets, or chosen leaders by christ, wrote it from the time of Adam to the time it ended.

Name some spiritual prophets from the Bible?

All the prophets in the bible were all spiritual, if they were not they won't prophesy, becos God honours the word of a prophet.

What are two prophets of Bible?

In the bible there are two main type of prophets. They are the major and minor prophets.

Who is malachi in The Bible?

Malachi is one of the minor prophets. Not because his message was minor because of the length of his writing, being a short book of the Bible. By contrast, Isaiah and Jeremiah are consisered to be major prophets becasue of the lengths of the books they wrote.

What prophets are not in bible?

The Tanach (Jewish Bible) includes the Jewish prophets, it does not include the prophets of other religions.

What was the occupations of the men who wrote the Bible?

The men who wrote the Bible varied widely in their professions. Some were prophets, others fishermen. Matthew was a tax collector; Moses started out as adopted royalty, then became a herdsman before returning to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Paul was a Pharisee and then a missionary. Ultimately, it depends on which book(s) within the Bible you would like to know about.