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Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Pete Conrad.

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The three astronauts who walked on the moon were Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Charles "Pete" Conrad. Armstrong and Aldrin were part of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, while Conrad was part of the Apollo 12 mission in 1969.

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Who where first two astronauts who walk in the moon?

The first astronauts to walk on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

What countries have sent astronauts to walk on the moon?

The only country that has successfully sent astronauts to walk on the moon is the United States. Specifically, the Apollo missions, part of NASA's space program, landed American astronauts on the moon between 1969 and 1972.

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Yes they will , as the shuttle astronauts orbit the earth and the moon there are 3 moon landings that NASA has planed over the next 4 years. Which will include over 100 different astronauts in one way or another.

Who where the last astronauts on the moon and when?

Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt were the last astronauts to walk on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972.

What year did Apollo 11 astronauts walk the moon?

Apollo 11 astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.

Do astronauts need to walk on the moon?

Astronauts do not need to walk on the moon to conduct experiments or gather samples. They can use rovers and specialized equipment to explore the surface without walking. Walking on the moon would be difficult due to the moon's low gravity and lack of atmosphere.

What are the first people to walk on the moon?

Astronauts xD

Where were the first people to walk on the moon from?

The two astronauts to land on the moon were from the U.S.A.

Were the Apollo astronauts the only men to walk on the moon?

Yes all the Apollo astronauts were men.

When did the last astronauts walk on the moon?

Apollo 17 was the last mission to land on the moon in December 1972.

Why the astronauts were going to the moon?

Because they wanted to walk on it, explore it.

Why do astronauts walk funny on the moon?

Becuz of ther boots