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Q: Who were the 4 men who sat in the white seat during segregation in woolworths?
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What law did Rosa park brake when she would not give her seat up to a white American?

She broke the laws of segregation.

What was Rosa parks challenge?

In the days of segregation she became news when she did not leave the seat she was seated on a bus to a white person demanding it. She is concidered the beguining of the end of segregation in the United States.

What were some bus segregation laws?

its simple as this,blacks were in the back, and whites were in the front... and if there wasnt any seats for the whites.. a black personhad to give their seat to the white person.

How is Rosa Parks rememberd?

She is remembered as the woman that did not give her seat to a white man therefore breaking the segregation laws and taken to jail.

How did rosa parks get the name seat sticker and why?

Back on those days, there were segregation laws which one stated that black seat in the back and when there were no more seats, they had to get up and let their seat to a white person. One time she didn't let her seat to be and she got arrested.

How was Rosa parks moving up in the world?

She became a famous person when she broke the segregation laws the day she didn't let her seat go for a white person.

What did Rosa parks good?

She refused to let a white man have her seat on the bus. she wuz arrested and she wuz AWESOME. without her we might still have segregation today.

What good thing did Rosa parks do in Montgomery Alabama?

She refused to let a white man have her seat on the bus. she wuz arrested and she wuz AWESOME. without her we might still have segregation today.

What did segregation do?

Segregation was the state and national law of separating "coloured" people from white people. Those who were oppressed often had much worse facilities, could not visit better establishments of any kind and were not permitted certain rights that others were.

What adversity did Rosa parks face?

The laws of segregation had several offenses included. When Rosa Parks denied a seat for white person, the action was included and she got arrested. It was a mayor act in the fight for rights.

How was Rosa Parks Loyal?

Rosa Parks demonstrated loyalty by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person during the segregation era in the United States. This act of civil disobedience showed her loyalty to the cause of equal rights and dignity for African Americans.

Why is Rosa Parks strong?

In her times, there were segregation laws. She stood her ground a bus driver asked her to leave her seat for a white man. She did not. She was arrested but in the end it made blacks the same as the rest