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They were aimed mostly at French and Irish immigrants.

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Q: Who were the alien and sedition acts primarily aimed at?
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What does sedition referring in the alien and sedition acts?

It refers to activities aimed at weakening established government.

The Sedition Act targeted mainly?

The primary target of the Alien and Sedition Acts turned out to be the Republican press though they were initially passed to target aliens or immigrants who were not yet citizens. John Adams was the President who signed it into law.

Harsh and probably unconstitutional laws aimed at radical immigrants and Jeffersonian writers?

Alien and Sedition Acts

What law did the president John Adam pass in order to protect the country from enemy foreign nations?

I think you are referring to the Alien and Sedition acts, particularly the Alien acts.

Measures which the Federalists passed primarily to smash their Republican opponents?

Alien and sedition acts

What does sedition refer to in the alien and sediction acts?

It refers to activities aimed at weakening established government.

What lawas did president john Adams pass in order to protect the country from enemy foreign nations?

I think you are referring to the Alien and Sedition acts, particularly the Alien acts.

What president was responsible for the XYZ affair and the Alien and Sedition acts?

John Adams was the president responsible for both the XYZ affair and the Alien and Sedition acts. The XYZ affair was a diplomatic incident with France in the late 1790s, while the Alien and Sedition acts were a series of laws passed in 1798 that aimed to limit immigration and silence criticism of the government.

Who did the alien and sedition act benefit?

The alien and sedition acts befitted Federalists because they could not be spoken of badly since the alien and sedition acts banned any criticism of the government.

Which branch of government passed the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The branch of government that passed the Alien and Sedition Acts was the Legislative Branch.

Are the Alien and Sedition Acts in the Constitution?

no....... ==

The idea of states' rights was promoted by the?

The idea of states' rights was promoted by the Alien and Sedition Acts. answer zoz.