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Q: Who were the anti communist counterrevolutionaries in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed?
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Who were the anticommunist counterrevolutionaries in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed?

The Contras was the counterrevolutionaries backed by Reagan.

The Reagan administration's major goal in Nicaragua was?

to overthrow the Sandinistas. to prevent Nicaragua from spreading Communist power to overthrow the country's Communist leaders.

Who were the anticommunist counterrevoluyionaries in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed?

The Contras was the counterrevolutionary group in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed.

President Reagan was concerned about this Central American country that had been taken over by communist forces.?


Whose administration provided arms and money to the Contras in Nicaragua?

Ronald Reagan

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Whose administration provided arms and money to contras in Nicaragua?

Ronald Reagan

What Central American country was President Reagan concerned about that had been taken over by communist forces?

nicaragua A+

Who supplied arms to Nicaragua when President Reagan was in power?

Late in the Reagan Administration, it was discovered a political military group in Nicaragua called the Contras were fighting a guerrilla war against what seemed to be a communist regime. In secret the US was supplying arms to the Contras based on monies received from Iran. It was called the Iran-Contra scandal. A key figure in this illegal operation, a Major Oliver North took full blame for this misadventure. By doing so, the Reagan White House escaped blame.

Secret operation to arm rebels in Nicaragua?

Iran-Contra Affair: Was a scandal in the Reagan administration involving the use of money from secret Iranian arms sales to support the Nicaraguan Contras

Who was involved in the Iran-Contra Affair?

The Iran-Contra Affair involved three nations: (1) the United States, (2) Iran, and (3) Nicaragua. It was a secret arrangement led by US President Ronald Reagan to sell US weapons to Iran during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988 and use the profits from those sales to fund the Anti-Communist Contra Rebels in Nicaragua. In this way, Reagan was "officially" keeping his hands clean of the death and destruction in Nicaragua.

The Iran-Contra Affair occurred during the Reagan administration?

The iran-contra affair occurred during the Reagan administration