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Pontus, the Ourea, the Titans, Hectatonshires, and cyclopses

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Q: Who were the children of Uranus and Gaia?
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Why was Gaia infuriated at her husband Uranus?

Because Uranus Imprisonded Gaias Children into the deepest treches of Tartarus and this obviously caused pain to gaia

Where are Hades' parents from?

Cronus and Rhea are the children of Uranus and Gaia.

Who were the children of Gaia?

Uranus (the god, not the planet), the mountains, and the sea.

Why was gaia mad at uranus?

For locking up her children in Tartarus.

What was the result of Uranus and Gaia's quarrel?

The Titan children of Uranus and Gaia took Uranus's place as rulers of the heavens, for Uranus had been castrated by the scythe that Cronus had wielded. Cronus was afterwards called King of the Titans, his son Zeus would later overthrow him for swallowing his own sons and daughters in fear of a prophesy of Gaia and Uranus, that he would be overthrown be his children, as he had overthrown his father Uranus.

Who is Uranus' father?

In Greek Mythology, Uranus is known to only be the offspring of Gaia and the father of her children. One could look at this as Gaia being both father and mother to Uranus, or Uranus not having a paternal parent.

Who were the first children of gaia and Uranus?

the hectonaires, or the hundred handed ones

What was Uranus the father of?

Uranus (or Ouranus) was the father to Gaia, the Earth's, children, one of them being the titan Cronus.

Who were Uranus and Gaia?

Uranus was the sky, and Gaia the Earth in Greek Mythology.

Who are the ancestors of titans?

the titans were the children of gaia and uranus. gaias parent is chaos

Who was in greek titan Uranus?

Uranus was not a Titan, he was the father of the Titan gods and goddesses. Uranus locked away his children within the the belly of the earth, Gaia.

Who are Uranus and gaia?

They were the two beings that gave birth to the titans Gaia controlled the earth and Uranus controlled the sky. the titans were: Kronos:Time Rhea:Sky Oceanus:Sea Tethys:Sea Coeus:Intelligence Mnemosyne:Memory Crius:Stars Phoebe:Moon Hyperion:Light Theia:Sight Themis:Order Iapetus:Mortallity