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Nebuchadnezzar is the only correct answer.

Shalmanesser and Titus, both of whom conquered the land (or most of it), did not exile the entire population.

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Q: Who were the conquerors who exiled the Jews from Israel?
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Related questions

Where was the location of Judaism?

That depends when. Before they were exiled all over the world, the Jews were in Israel.

Why did Jewish people live in minorities?

When we were exiled from Israel, it was unavoidable.After we were exiled from Israel, it was unavoidable.

What was it called when the Jews were exiled from Israel?

The diaspora; the Exile. See more on this linked page.

How many years were the Jews exiled to Shushan during Purim?

Jews were not exiled to Shushan.

Who took over Israel and exiled the Jews from their homeland?

The first time the Jews were expelled from Israel, it was by the Babylonians.Answer:The first time the Jews were expelled from Israel, it was by the Assyrians. This took place 133 years before the Babylonian expulsion (some 2500 years ago) and involved 10 of the tribes.

Why is judaism the religion of Israel?

Judaism is popular in Israel because most Israelis are Jewish. The Jews were given the land of Israel by G-d as an inheritance and therefor it only prospers when Jews live there. Whenever Jews are chased out or exiled the land return to be desert-like; compare the land of Israel now to what it was like 100 years ago under foreign rule.

Is Babylon Home of the Hebrews?

No. Long before they were ever taken/exiled to Babylon, the Hebrews/Jews/Israelites were a vibrant, flourishing nation in what is now Israel.

Was Judaism part of Ancient Mesopotamia?

Jews were exiled from Judea and deported to Babylon in 586 B.C.E. so yes, Jews form a part of Ancient Mesopotamia. Jews remained in Mesopotamia until the mass exodus of Jews left for Israel in 1950-1952.

What year did Israel fall to invaders?

In the year 70 C.E. (Common Era), the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and its Holy Temple and exiled the Jews. However, although Jews were no longer permitted in Jerusalem, Jews lived throughout the country. In fact, there was never a period where there were NO Jews living somewhere in Israel. During the Middle Ages, more Jews began to return to Israel, growing in the Nineteenth Century. By the end of the Nineteenth Century, Jews outnumbered Arab in Jerusalem itself.

What did the exiled Jews hold on to?

The Torah.

What did exiled Jews hang on to?

The Torah and Talmud.

Where do Jews live in Israel?

The answer depends on how the question is read:Reading 1: At what time did only Jews and no other people live in Israel?Never. Jewish people have lived in Israel for thousands of years, but there has never been a time when ONLY Jewish people lived within it's borders.Reading 2: At what time did all Jews live exclusively in Israel?The Jewish People lived exclusively in Israel from their early development as a nation (in what is now Israel and the West Bank) up to 586 BCE when the Babylonians conquered the Kingdom of Judah and exiled the Jewish aristocracy to Babylon (and therefore made part of the Jewish community live outside of Israel). Never again did the Jews exclusively live in Israel.