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Q: Who were the first people to build a rocket ship?
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Why was the first rocket ship invented?

people wanted to go to the moon

Sentence with feasible?

It is not feasible to build a rocket ship of wood.

Are there still people on a rocket ship heading to mars?

There is no one in a rocket ship heading to Mars.

What was the first unmanned rocket ship put into space?

The first unmanned rocket to fly in space was the Russian Sputnik.

What was made first an airplane or a rocket ship?

Cars were what was first made... and then the Aeroplane was created. The Wright Brothers invented the Aeroplane long before the Rocket Ship was even considered.

Who invented the first rocket ship in 1926?

The First Liquid fueled rocket was launched by Robert Hutchings Goddard Of U.S

Can people live in a Saturn V rocket?

People a boarded the ship in 2024 and noone could live in a ship can they!!

What vehicle transports people to space?

Space Ship Rocket

How do you make a space ship?

the way to make a space ship is to first build it with cardbord,paper e.t.c........ use some thing hard to cover the top because the cover keep the presure in the rocket and make it fly higher when your done building the rocket you put something explosive in the rocket shake it and whact it fly. more information in eddy b .com

Was the mayflower originally the ship the English where going to sail?

the mayflower was not. Because the first ship sank. the people on the first ship landed then had to switch ship because they could not take the time to build another. The mayflower was just the cargo ship.

What is the name of the rocket ship that will be transporting people to space?

appollo 11

How would people travel to the planet?

By riding a rocket ship, of course.