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The Romans had various courts for various offenses with each court having its specialty, such as the murder court. One of the duties of a praetor was to preside over these courts. However, a citizen always had the right to appeal, and then "Caesar" would be the supreme judge.

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The jury was the sole judge.

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Q: Who were the judges of the roman republic?
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How did Sulla change Rome?

First of all, what did Sulla do? Sulla took over the Senate and made himself dictator. Basically, what he did was use his private army to get into power, kill everyone who opposed him, and then resign. This affected the Roman Republic because this paved the way for the emperors of the future and the collapse of the Republic. When other people try this in future, they'll take power, and not resign afterwards, but instead pass power on to their children and start a dynasty.

Did consul serve as judges in rome?

The consuls serve as judges in the early period of the Roman Republic, from 509 B.C. (the year of the establishment of the republic) to 366 B.C., when the praetors were created to relieve the consuls of their judicial duties. The praetors were chief justices in charge of the implementation of the law in courts. They presided over some trials. For other trials they instructed judges (judeces). In addition they also had the power to command an army.

What are the differences between the Roman republic and the Roman civilization?

The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.

Is it true that the roman republic was not much like a constitutional monarchy?

The Roman republic was a republic. There was no monarchy, constitutional or otherwise.

How did the officials who ran the roman republic get their power?

The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.

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How did Sulla change Rome?

First of all, what did Sulla do? Sulla took over the Senate and made himself dictator. Basically, what he did was use his private army to get into power, kill everyone who opposed him, and then resign. This affected the Roman Republic because this paved the way for the emperors of the future and the collapse of the Republic. When other people try this in future, they'll take power, and not resign afterwards, but instead pass power on to their children and start a dynasty.

What were roman judges that ruled in all legal matters called?

The Roman judges were called "praetors".

What was the roman republics government?

As the name "Roman Republic" suggests, it was a republic.

What were the top two officials in the early roman republic called?

The top two officials of the entire Roman Republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.

Did consul serve as judges in rome?

The consuls serve as judges in the early period of the Roman Republic, from 509 B.C. (the year of the establishment of the republic) to 366 B.C., when the praetors were created to relieve the consuls of their judicial duties. The praetors were chief justices in charge of the implementation of the law in courts. They presided over some trials. For other trials they instructed judges (judeces). In addition they also had the power to command an army.

How many years did the Roman republic last for?

The Roman Republic lasted 482 years.

How was the Roman Republic?

the Roman Republic was created because the people no longer trusted a single king. so in about 264B.C. they created the roman republic

Who was first the roman republic the roman empire or the athenian democracy and in what order?

Athenian democracy, Roman Republic, Roman Empire

What are the differences between the Roman republic and the Roman civilization?

The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.

Who were the plebeians in the early Roman Republic?

In the early Roman Republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.In the early Roman republic the plebeians were the poor, working class people.

Who was the founder of the Roman Republic?

Lucius Junius Brutus was the founder of the Roman Republic

What groups made up the general Roman society?

Roman society was divided into the patricians (the aristocracy), the equites (equestrians) who were bankers, money lenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining, and the plebeians (the commoners). there were also slaves and freedmen