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Q: Who were the leaders of the northwest rebellion?
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Who led the Metis in the Red River Rebellion of 1870 and the Northwest Rebellion of 1885?

Louis Riel was the most vocal leader or spokesman, though there were other leaders in both rebellions.

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yes they did they were from the northwest region and had leaders

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After the Boxer Rebellion, Boxer leaders were executed, and the palaces were looted.

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After the Boxer Rebellion, Boxer leaders were executed, and the palaces were looted.

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look up William Henry Jackson on wikipedia (make sure it in the Jackson in the Northwest Rebellion) Pretty much in 1885 there was the Northwest Rebellion and Jackson was a leader with Louis Riel in it. The Northwest Rebellion is about the Metis trying to keep their rights, land and the survival of themselves.

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the northwest Rebellion with Louis Riel

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Shay's Rebellion was the rebellion in Massachusetts that made the leaders of the country begin to seriously question the effectiveness of the articles of confederation.

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