

Who were the people that worshiped Demeter?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who were the people that worshiped Demeter?
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How was Demeter worshiped?

She was worshipped by coming to the earth and kicking people assess.

Did people grow corn in Demeter's lifetime?

The Greek goddess Demeter was worshiped in ancient Greece; at that time corn meant grain or wheat or barley, not the American maize.

Why did the Megarians worship Demeter?

Many Mediterranean peoples of the ancient world worshiped Demeter or a similar goddess before Rome adopted Christianity.

Who created Demeter as a myth?

The Ancient Greeks created the religion in which Demeter was worshiped, the smaller stories of that religion (much like there are bible stories today) are what form now as "myths".

Who is the child of Poseidon and Demeter?

The child of Poseidon and Demeter is Despoina, a minor goddess associated with the Arcadian mysteries and the harvest. She is often depicted as a mysterious figure in Greek mythology due to the limited information available about her.

Which gods did people consider to be their special gods in Thebes?

Thebans would have worshiped Athena, Dionysus and Zeus more than any others. They possibly would have cults to Hera and Demeter as well.

Who did megara worship?

Megara was a mortal woman from Greek mythology who was married to the hero Heracles (Hercules). She likely worshiped the traditional Greek gods and participated in their religious practices. There is no specific mention of Megara having a particular deity that she worshiped exclusively.

Who is the protagonist in the origin of the seasons?

Demeter is the protagonist in the Origin of the Seasons. The tale of her reaction to daughter Persephone's journey to and from the Underworld was the basis for the cults that worshiped her.

How many people did Demeter marry?

None; Demeter had consorts and lovers but no husbands.

What kind of person was Demeter?

Demeter is motherly and generous to other people.

Where do you go to pray to Demeter?

Before you plant your seeds and before you harvest. And sometimes in between so the plants grow nicely. You would normally go to the temple of Demeter or to any temple if there was not a specific one to Demeter close enough. You can pray anywhere but worship and special requests were usually accompanied by a sacrifice or offering in a temple. Any place that has a special significance for the deity you are praying to would work as well.

What item does goddess Demeter have?

Demeter's symbol of power is an ear of wheat. She is the goddess of agriculture. Demeter also taught people how to farm.