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The office staff, and the father of Bep Voskuijl were the only people who knew about those hiding in the annex.

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1mo ago

Anne Frank, her family, and four others were the only individuals who knew about their hiding place in the Secret Annex during the Holocaust. Those individuals were Otto Frank (Anne's father), Edith Frank (Anne's mother), Margot Frank (Anne's sister), Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels (Hermann and Auguste's son), Fritz Pfeffer, and Miep Gies, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, and Bep Voskuijl, who helped hide the Franks.

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Q: Who were the people who knew Anne Frank was in hiding?
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Did Anne Frank know the vandaans before they went into hiding?

anne frank & her family knew the vandaan's earlier . they were family friends.

Which one betrayed Anne Frank?

German Dutch police asked the employee Willliam Van Marren, if any Jews were in hiding that he knew about and William told the police where the Franks were hiding.

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she was the young girl who went into hiding after Hitler and his men starting taking Jews from everywhere....including right off the streets. Anne's father, Otto knew that he had to protect his family so he decided to go into hiding.

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Who took Anne Frank away from her family?

Nobody nows who gave Anne frank's hiding place away if you want to find out do some research and investigate probably someone who didn't like Jews Meep knew they were there she gave them food maybe she did was she Jewish though

How was Anne Frank's family able to go into hiding at the secret annex?

Otto worked in the building and knew that it was not in their friends took their things there for weeks and they took some themselves.

What were the prime suspects of Anne franks arrest?

The prime suspects in Anne Frank's arrest were believed to be an informer who tipped off the Nazis or a betrayal by someone who knew the whereabouts of the secret annex where Anne Frank and her family were hiding. The identity of the informant has never been definitively confirmed.

Why did anne frank need a secret annex?

In World War Two, Jews were being jailed and killed in the camps. Many families did the exact thing as Anne family, accept them in a false room offered by a German family.

Who was Mr. Koophius in Anne Frank's diary?

Mr. Koophuis was one of the workers in the office building were Anne, her family, the Vann Daans, and the dentist hid in. He knew about them and helped them. He was a good man, that was what the people in hiding thought of him. He worked in the office bulding where the familyies hid.

Who kept a diary of her life in hiding from the Nazis?

Anne Frank kept a diary of her life in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Her diary, known as "The Diary of a Young Girl," provides a first-hand account of life in hiding and has become a powerful symbol of the Holocaust.

Why did Anne Frank write the diary?

because she knew that they would not live

What is ironic about Anne Frank's Legacy?

One irony of Anne Frank's legacy is that she became famous posthumously for her diary, which was meant to remain private during her lifetime. Another irony is that her writings, which detailed the persecution of Jews during World War II, have helped educate people worldwide about the consequences of intolerance and discrimination.