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The reason why pyramids were made were to bury their pharoahs

it was made for the pharoahs because they did not have a cemetaries that we have today so basically the pyramids were safe to keep the pharoah away from people who can steal presciouse gold or so almost like what king tut had inside and outside his tomb.

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Q: Who were the pyramids made for and why?
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Who where the pyramids made for?

The pyramids were made for the PHARAOHS!!! BY YOO-JIN

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The pyramids of Egypt are made of limestone.

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the pyramids are made out of limestone.. :) happy to you :D

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The pyramids in Egypt are primarily made of limestone blocks, with some parts constructed using granite and sandstone. The limestone was quarried locally and the granite was transported from Aswan, about 500 miles away. Sandstone was also used for some of the outer casing stones.

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Were Aztec pyramids made of stone?

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In Cario, Egypt lol

Are pyramids considered igneous rocks?

No. They pyramids are man-made structures made out of sandstone (which is a sedimentary rock).

Why are pyramids made from gold?

They are made from sand