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Q: Who were the spanish and french explorers of present day Mississippi?
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What rivers did French explorers explore?

mississippi river

What rivers did the French explorers search?

Mississippi and St. Lawrence

What year did French explorers Joliet and Marquette explore the Mississippi?


What group of people used Mississippi before the European explorers?

The French colony

French explorers searched the following rivers?

Mississippi and St. Lawrence i think i hope this HELPS XD

In the late 1600s what region did the French explorers expand into?

In the late 1600s, French explorers expanded into the region of North America known as New France, which encompassed present-day areas such as Quebec, Ontario, and the Great Lakes region. They also established settlements along the Mississippi River and in present-day Louisiana.

Who were Marquette and Jolliet?

French explorers who led the first French expedition down the Mississippi River.

What did the French explorers think the Mississippi river led to?

well i believe that what they found was the bones to the dinosuar that is called the usman-a-souras.

How were the french and Spanish explorers different?

French were from France, and Spanish were from Spain.

In which present-day country in North America did French explorers first claim lands?

French explorers first claimed lands in present-day Canada, particularly along the St. Lawrence River in the early 16th century.

French explorers Joliet and Marquette explore the Mississippi?

Marquette and joliet. La salle sailed the mississippi to the golf of mexico

What two French men explored the Mississippi Basin?

French-Canadian explorers Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette explored the Mississippi River from the Wisconsin River to the Arkansas River in 1673.