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dynamic- none

static- young man

flat- young man, king, princess, crowds

round- none

I think the round character in the story was the Princess, because she loves the man and has a good personality about that, but when she knows that her lover would have to marry the girls she hates, she has a different attitude about that. We see many characteristics of her personality.

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Q: Who were the static and dynamic characters in the lady and the tiger?
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Who were the dynamic characters in lady and the tiger?

That would be the princess. She is a lesser character who also develops the main character by showing what minor character thinks, feels, and says about the major character

The Lady or the Tiger characters flat or round?


What the Name of a static character in the lady and the tiger?

In the story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton, the character of the king can be considered static. Throughout the narrative, the king's motives and actions remain consistent, as he rules the kingdom with a barbaric sense of justice.

What was the kings name in the story The Lady or The Tiger?

None of the characters in this story were given names by the author.

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i personally think it is lady gaga because tiger woods has gone through a lot and lady gaga is living large

What is the moral dilemma in the story of the lady and the tiger?

In "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton, the moral dilemma is centered around the princess having to decide whether to lead her lover to the lady he may marry or the tiger that will kill him. The dilemma lies in the conflict between love and jealousy, as well as the consequences of each choice on the characters and their relationships. It raises questions about the complexities of human emotions and the unpredictability of moral decisions.

Which came out of the open door the lady or the tiger?

The story "The Lady or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton ends on a cliffhanger, leaving it to the reader's imagination to decide whether the princess chose to reveal the lady or the tiger behind the door.

Is the courtier fed to the lady or the tiger in The Lady or the Tiger... Please give a few pieces of evidence.?

In "The Lady or the Tiger," it is not explicitly stated whether the courtier is fed to the lady or the tiger. Evidence includes how the princess knows which door the lady is behind and her possessive nature towards the courtier, which could suggest she chose the tiger for jealousy. On the other hand, her love for the courtier could mean she directed him to the lady. Ultimately, the story leaves the ending ambiguous, allowing readers to interpret it as they wish.

Who is more famous worldwide Lady Gaga or tiger woods?

Lady Gaga

Who is the protagonist in the story The Lady or the Tiger?

The Princess

Mood in the lady or the tiger?

mood is that the the the the th

Who did the man pick the lady or the tiger?

The story "The Lady or the Tiger" by Frank Stockton is left intentionally ambiguous, and the ending is open to interpretation. It is up to each reader to decide whether the princess directs the man to the lady or the tiger.