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Q: Who were the targets of the red scare of 1919 and the Mccarthy era of the early 1950s?
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The leading figure of the red scare in the early 1950s?


What government official was the leader of the anti Communist crusade of the 1950s?

Senator Joe McCarthy was the leader of the anti Communist crusade of the 1950s in the US.

When did the red scare start?

The Red Scare in the United States started in 1919, sparked by the Russian Revolution. There was also the Second Red Scare in the 1950s, driven by figures such as Joseph McCarthy.

Was Joe McCarthy killed during World War 2 fighting communism?

No. He served in the Senate and led the "Red Scare" investigations in the 1950s. He died in 1957.

What did senator Joseph McCarthy and the Red Scare of the 1950s have to do with The Crucible?

The Crucible is a tale of the Salem witch hunts during the days before the founding of the United States. The story, by playwright Arthur Miller, is an allegory on Joseph McCarthy and the hunt for Communists in the 1950's. The play is intended to convey that McCarthy, like the witch hunters, was persecuting innocent people and profiting from public hysteria. It was later suggested by Soviet archives (and the data of the Venona Project) that some of McCarthy's targets were in fact guilty of being enemy agents.

In the 1950s America was in the grip of a modern witch hunt The driving force behind it was?

Anti-Communist paranoia, commonly known as The Red Scare, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, was the driving force behind the 1950s "witch hunts."

Who was the leader of the red scare?


What is the term that describes the fear of Communist influence in the 1950s?

The second Red Scare

What caused the red scare to end?

The red scare ended when McCarthy was sensured.

Why did Joseph McCarthy do?

Leading the Red Scare.

What does the term 'red scare' denote from political views?

The term Red Scare is a fear of communist or other left leaning people or organizations, either internal or external. It first came to prominence during the Cold war era and the McCarthy trials of the 1950s.

Who led the Red Scare?

Joseph McCarthy. :D