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Q: Who were the two men that lead the Louisiana territory?
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What was the name of two men who lead a expedition through the Louisiana?

Lewis and Clark explored the Louisiana territory. Charles Slidell later did additional exploration in this vicinity

What two men explored the new territory under The Louisiana Purchase?

Lewis and Clark

Who were the two men who arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

Robert Livingston and James Monroe arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. They wanted to purchase the port of New Orleans and were surprised when the French offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory.

The two men who arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory were?

Robert Livingston and James Monroe arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. They wanted to purchase the port of New Orleans and were surprised when the French offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory.

Which pair of men were responsible for arranging the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

The two men are Robert Livingston & James Monroe

What two men were responsible for arranging the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

Pesident Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonapart of France.

With two states came out of the Louisiana territory?

The civil District of Louisiana and the Territory of Orleans were the territories formed out of Louisiana for easy governorship.

Who own the Louisiana territory?

At least six different counties owned Louisiana, two of which were France and the U.S.A.

What was the two reasos the federalist party opposed the purchase of the louisiana territory?

There are two main reasons on why the federalist party purchased Louisiana territory. The main two reasons for doing this was because the tie they had with Britain and compromising with Napoleon.

What two countries wanted to buy the Louisiana Territory?

mexico ans us

What event lead up to the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Louisiana Territory had been a land purchase transaction by the United States of America of 828,800 square miles of the French territory "Louisiane" in 1803. The U.S. paid 60 million francs ($11,250,000) plus cancellation of debts worth 18 million francs ($3,750,000), a total cost of $15,000,000 for the Louisiana Territory. After finally purchasing the Louisiana Territory, and two weeks before inauguration day Jefferson asked Lewis to go on the journey.

Between what two natural boundaries did the Louisiana territory lie?

Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains.