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Q: Who were the two writers of the Virginia and Kentucky resolution?
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What two stated border Virginia in the west?

West Virginia and Kentucky

What were the Kentucky and Virginia resolution?

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions suggested that states might declare certain acts of Congress unconstitutional. The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were drafted in 1798 and 1799.

Which two states border Virginia to the west and northwest?

Kentucky and West Virginia

What two states are west of Virginia?

Directly touching the west boarders of Virginia is West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

What borders Ohio to the southeast?

Five states border Ohio not two, -Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky.

How many commonwealths are in the US?

Four U.S. states call themselves commonwealth: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

What state is known for the Hatfields and McCoys feud?

Its actually two states west virginia and kentucky

What two states border Ohio on the south?

Kentucky and West Virginia border Ohio on the south.

When did Virginia split into two states?

Kentucky split from Virginia on June 1, 1792. Kentucky was the 15th state to join the Union. The estimated population is 4,395,295.

What are the commonwealths of the United States of America?

Four States of the United States of America style themselves Commonwealths:MassachusettsKentuckyVirginiaPennsylvaniaIn addition two dependencies of the US, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, style themselves commonwealths.

What states touch the Ohio River?

I looked at some maps, and the 5 states that the Ohio River borders, or at least touches are: -Pennsylvania (that's where it starts) -Ohio (it's namesake) -West Virginia -Indiana -Kentucky don't forget Michigan

What two important concepts came out of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions advocated for state's rights and strict constructionist of the US Constitution. Written by Thomas Jefferson in 1789 and James Madison in 1799, these resolutions declared specifically that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.