

Who were vikings enemies?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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In Norse (Viking) mythology the main enemies of the Gods were the Jotnar, or Giants. But they did have other enemies. Loki, the Norse trickster god killed the god Balder by tricking Hoder the blind god. He was chained beneath a snake that drips venom onto his face. Also the wolf monster Fenrir that bit off Tyr's Hand and is said to devourer Odin, the king of the gods during Ragnarok, the battle marking the end of the world.

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Angelo-Saxons , Norwegians, Icelanders and Danish.

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Anyone that tried to invade them.

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Oakland Raiders were very biased against Vikings in Super Bowl XI. Seriously, the Vikings made many enemies, in England, Ireland, France, and a lot of other places, for about three centuries. It was a somewhat deserved bias, as Viking notions of property acquirement were not always conducive to Medieval convention.

What was it like for vikings to fight their enemies?

Vikings fought with a "go get em" attitude. They rarely had true tactics. However their immense strength and size combined with their weapons (usually axes, swords, and sometimes hammers) made them quite deadly. They also believed death in battle is an honor, making them fight as had as possible. Their weakness was usually fighting against prepared enemies and fighting against armies with archers.

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The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.The Vikings came.

Why did vikings dye their sails blood red?

They did not, the idea of the dyed sails is from the Romantic era in European history, around the 1790-1850. There is no historical evidence that vikings dyed their sails or had helmets with horns, these are historical myths not fracts.