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Pharaoh's wore robes made of linen which were particulary transparent, and kilt-like garments known as "shendyt" which were usally wrapped around the lower body back to front, with detailed pleating.

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Q: Who wore linen in ancient Egypt?
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What did the military of ancient Egypt wear?

they wore linen, or animal skins

Material used for clothing in Egypt?

In ancient Egypt they wore Tunics, usually made from linen

What are the wraparound cloth worn by men in the ancient Egypt called?

In Egypt men wore linen that was usually wrapped around their waist, and and the girls usually wore linen dress.

Clothing in ancient Egypt?

They wore light, white, linen clothing. Sometimes they were pleated. Men wore kilts and women wore dresses.

Did both the rich and the pour ware linen in ancient Egypt?

No. the poor Egyptians wore linen and rags, but the rich wore silks and expensive animal skins from other lands. ZL

What did nobles wear in Ancient Egypt?

The men usually wore a skirt made of linen, and a fancy wig. Woman wore dresses made of fine linen and wore traditional crown. Kids ran around in clothes like their father.

What did government officials wear in ancient Egypt?

They wore a nemis, headress, and a fake beard.

What did children wear in ancient Egypt in daily life?

Egypt is a hot country and so people wore lightweight clothes which kept them cool. We can see what they wore from the many paintings and sculptures they left behind. Ancient Egyptian clothes covered most of their skin and were made from plant fibres such as linen. what is a linen? Linen is made from the fibres of the flax plant which the Egyptians grew.

What was ladies clothing in ancient Egypt?

Ladies wore tunics or dresses. They were white and made of linen, sometimes pleated. They wore sandals on their feet. They wore wigs on their head, and lots of beautiful jewelry.

What kind of cloths did the ancient Egyptians wear?

They wore kilt, the noblemen wore fine linen, but the farmers wore coarse linen

What did Egyptian girls wear?

In Ancient Egypt, girls wore simple sheath dresses made of white linen. They did not reveal too much of their body.

Who Were people who made pottery jewelry linen clothing and other in ancient Egypt?

The people who made pottery jewelry linen clothing and other in ancient Egypt