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The character who wore the medal of St. Christopher in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was the Knight. St. Christopher is associated with protection during travels, reflecting the Knight's experience and status as a professional soldier.

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Q: Who wore the medal of St Christopher in The Canterbury Tales?
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In Canterbury Tales what is a Christopher?

In "The Canterbury Tales," a Christopher is a character who is fond of singing and playing the bagpipes. He is portrayed as a jolly and lively individual who brings entertainment to the group.

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In Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales," the Friar is described as being well-dressed in a double-worsted semi-secular cloak with a pure cape cut, while his hood fitted smoothly under his chin with a pure white neck. He wore a rich merchant pin on his lily white forefinger. The Friar was of medium build, with a voice that was as small and soft as a goat.

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The Summoner was a church official responsible for summoning the sinners before the ecclesiastical courts. The Summoner has disgusting physical features that reflect the sordid state of his soul. He would allow a sinner to have a mistress for an entire year in return for a quart of wine.

How was Oxford Cleric dressed in Canterbury Tales?

The Oxford Cleric in the Canterbury Tales was described as being very thin and dressed in a threadbare coat. He wore a simple, modest cloak fastened with a clasp at his throat. He preferred to spend his money on books rather than on fancy clothes.

What did Christopher Columbus wear?

they wore heavy clothing up to their necks long sleeve shirts very warm tights even when Columbus made to the Bahamas they still wore those warm shirts so that is what they wore around 1400's to the 1500's

What does BM-PH mean on a gravestone of one who died in Vietnam?

Normally it means Bronze Star Medal & Purple Heart. In Vietnam, a Bronze Star Medal could be given for EITHER Meritorius or Heroism. If it was awarded for Heroism, then the medal comes (on written orders) with a "V" device (which is attached to the cloth portion of the medal or attached to the ribbon). Most US servicemen always wore the ribbon; they seldom if ever wore the medals.

What kind of clothing does a knight wear?

They wore medal suits that protected them from attack and being hit by arrows.

What was the only thing Brianna Scurry wore during her celebration lap through the streets of Atlanta?

Her gold medal!

What shoe did michael jordan wear when the dream team won its first gold medal?

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