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Q: Who would be most likely to worship Athena?
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What kind of sport would Athena most likely do?

Well, if you count war as a sport, she, being the goddess of war, would do that.

Who did Athena worship?

Being a Great Olympian goddess, Athena worshiped no one; however, as most Greek gods and goddesses did, she often had to obey the will of Zeus, her father.

Which of the greek gods would be most likely to fight in a war?

Ares is the god of war Athena is a godess of war so either of them

Where did people worship Athena?

she worshipped people by giving them honey and a trident from her dad, the most powerful god, poseidon

What celbrities worship the devil?

None, most likely.


Olympian Athena likely spent most of her time upon Mount Olympus, or above it. Mount Olympus was dwelling place of the Olympian gods.

Why did the Greek citizens build the Parthenon?

to honour and worship greek gods and goddesses , and the Parthenon was built for goddess Athena for she was worshipped the most

What does Justin Bieber like from his fans?

Most likely, to worship and adore him.

What was Pallas Athena's weakness?

She doesn't have many. Spiders most likely because of her feud with Arachne

Who all pray to Satan?

There are groups that worship Satan. these most likely pray to him. Some of these Satan worshipers would be Satanists, some pagan groups, and Luciferians.

Where does the Greek goddess Athen spend most of her time?

Athena being one of the twelve Olympians most likely spent time among the Olympian gods on Mount Olympus. Athena was also known as a helper of heroes.

Who was the most famous Greek goddess?

I would say Athena and hera