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Q: Who would best benefit from a discrete video card vs an integrated video card?
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Related questions

When does structure becomes discrete?

Discrete is the opposite of integrated and means using individual components. That would include using transistors instead of computer chips.

When does a structure becomes discrete?

Discrete is the opposite of integrated and means using individual components. That would include using transistors instead of computer chips.

How would one use video iWear?

A person would use video iWear to take discrete video footage of any situation they so desire. Some uses for this technology has been for law enforcement in order to incriminate large groups of organized crime.

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Is the percentage of hospitals a continuous or discrete?

There are a discrete number of hospitals, so the percentage of the hospitals would be discrete as well.

What would benefit the most from implementing traffic shaping on your network?

Streaming Video Files

How do I select a video card for my business - not for gaming.?

If its not really for gaming or entertainment, i wouldn't even spend the money on a graphics card. I would go with a low budget integrated graphics chip. But if you are only given the option of getting a graphics card, I would just go with the lest expensive one because a discrete graphics card is already going to be more than you need.

Would number of rooms be discrete or continuous?

Discrete. You cannot have 3.76... rooms!

Is date a discrete or continuous variable?

Date is a discrete variable whereas date/time would be continuous.

A random variable that can assume only a finite number of values is referred to as?

That would be a discrete variable; or, in your case, it would probably be called a discrete random variable.

Where is the Discrete Fourier Transform used?

The Discrete Fourier Transform is used with digitized signals. This would be used if one was an engineer as they would use this to calculate measurements required.

What is a discrete investment?

A discrete investment is putting money towards something privately. It will eventually be beneficial in some way or it would not be an investment.