

Who would dress a knight in his armor?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Their Squire or a number of servants most probably.

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Q: Who would dress a knight in his armor?
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Armor. A knight in shining ARMOR.

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Queen Elizabeth I, or Tudor never wore armor in the field. If she did, certainly the armor itself or illustrations of her as a Female Knight would have survived. It should be noted there were Queens in Armor. the funeral effigy of Anne of Bohemia- considered an English Queen has her in feminized Knight get-up. The famous Matilda of Tuscany was also a full-dress Female Knight -and she survived her missions intact. There were many other than Joan of Arc, but Queen Elizabeth was not one of them. ( Isabella of Spain did wear armor!)

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it protected them from being shot with arrows and swords.