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Q: Who would have resisted revolution in latin American?
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Who would have resisted revolution in Latin America?

Intendants Peninsulares

What group would have opposed the revolution in Latin America?

The peninsulares would have opposed revolutions in Latin America.

What can be said about most latin American colonies following their revolutions?

The American colonists subsequently, coming after or later, founded a republican control might bring about a revolution that would destroy their own power.

Which group would have opposed the revolution in latin America?


What group have opposed the revolution's in Latin America?

The peninsulares would have opposed revolutions in Latin America.

Why was the American Revolution a pivotol moment in American history?

Without the American Revolution, there would have been no United States of America.

Would you have joined the American revolution?


What would the Americans have to do to win the American Revolution?

The American revolution took place hundreds of years ago, and the Americans did win.

Did the American Revolution have to occur?

No, the American Revolution did not have to occur. If King George 111 did not put taxes on everything he thought that the colonists might need the Revolution would not have started.

Was the American Revolution a peoples war?

Yes because if the American revolution war wasn't a people war then who would fight animals

What are two great democratic revolutions that occurred in the 1700?

That would be the French Revolution and the American Revolution.

What was the reason the british attempted to tax colonist that would lead to the American revolution?

Glorious Revolution