

Who would need a skin transplant?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Burn patients may require skin grafts.

Some accident victims may also need skin grafts.

Patients with ulcerations may need skin grafts.

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Q: Who would need a skin transplant?
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If you lose a great amount of skin, you would be in danger of bleeding to death. Doctors can do a skin transplant.

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There would be no need. - A new pacemaker would be inserted instead.

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they would need a transplant if there for example lung had failed it does not work anymore therefore they would need someone else's to keep them healthy you'll find that alot of smokers get transplants but are often denied a transplant for being a smoker which might make them care less and damage the next lung

When was the first skin transplant?

26 June, 2006

Is a skin transplant possible?

yes, skin can be transplanted. Not all of it, bur fairly large parts.

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Can you transplant your own tissue?

Skin Grafts are commonly done.

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Kidney on the inside........ Skin on the outside....

Why do patients need tranplants?

In case they have a bad liver or bad heart then they would need to have a transplant from somebody else.

How do you replace skin?

'''yes, they can replace skin in two different ways.''' '''1) by doing a skin transplant''' '''2) by giving you lab skin'''

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if your kidneys fail completely, then you can go on a transplant list and get a kidney transplant if your kidneys are failing the doctors will put you on dialysis ... trying to keep your blood clean... eventually your kidneys will fail and then you will get a transplant

i want to have a stem cell transplant, where can I get one?

Could you please email us ASAP on and let us know what your condition is? You would need to speak to your Physician about a stem cell transplant and have a medical need for doing so.