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Q: Who would wear a pointy hat?
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Who is someone that might wear a pointy hat?

A Witch

How do you dress up as a Hogwarts student?

Wear a pointy witch hat and long dress robes.

What was the significance of the KKK's hood?

The hood were pointy and it was white. That means that they think the white people are the top and the black people are not welcome to the club. When the black people usually see the pointy, white hat they would usually try to stay away from the KKK because they thought they would get abused by the KKK. But this days, if you wear a white, pointy hat in front of a black man, you wont be so happy after 5 min because it is a serious racist problem.

What can be inferred from the pope wearing a pointy hat?

The 'pointy hat' is a bishop's mitre. It indicates that the pope is a bishop, the head of the Diocese of Rome.

What can you wear to make a elf costume?

Green clothing, hat with a cotton ball on the end, pointy shoes, and slouch to look shorter.

What does an elf have that's pointy?

An elf has pointy ears.

How do you stop vampires from realying your mind?

wear a hat in the shape of an elf hate make it pointy Stop transmitting. Take down the antennae.

Why can't guys wear pointe shoes?

Guys do wear pointy shoes. There called cowboy boots. Any other type of pointy shoe would be considered too gay.

What hat would an overseer wear?

He would probably wear a hat that would keep the sun out of his face. kind of like a sombrero, but from America

What is a gnome?

A gnome is a garden accessory that has a hat a pointy hat on it's head, and is usually made of china.

Which is better to wear on a rainy day a blue hat or a red hat?

a blue hat is better to wear on a rainy daybecause it would match the water and the sky

Will a cat wear a hat?

Will a cat wear a hat? Will a mouse sport a blouse? Could a goat wear a coat? Would a rabbit wear a habit? Do dogs wear clogs? ...No, of course not.