

Who would win Aang or naruto or kekekshi or luffy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Definately Naruto hands down

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Q: Who would win Aang or naruto or kekekshi or luffy?
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Who would win aang or Naruto?

NAURTO WOULD WIN he has a nine tails,sage mode, and super mode NAURTO CAN BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF AANG

Who would win Aang normal or three tailed naruto?

tie or naruto

How could Aang win a fight against Naruto?

Aang can't win. In fact nobody can win a against with Naruto. Naruto would sub-consciously unleash his Nine-tales if he ever comes near death. And when he does that, well easily said, it's the end of Aang.

How could Naruto win against Aang?

Naruto has immensely powerful chakra, it would take a small bit to take Aang down.Although Aang is very powerful in Avatar state, Naruto's 4 tailed form is very powerful, so imagine would 9 tailed form would be like.Naruto's Demon Fox Rasengan might be able to take down Aang.And also, Naruto is much faster than Aang, he can use his Rasengan any time. But it would still be very close.

Who would win naruto sage mode or Aang avatar mode?

Definitely Aang hands down cause it would be a "close" battle but the avatar just has to swing his hand and it does the equivalent of that god world power the guy with the piercings does. Naruto needs to do hand signs and use charkra but if it was demonfox mode (8 to 9 tails) vs avatar mode. Your guess would be as good as mine to who the winner is, my guess... Naruto In the end it would end up naruto if he doesn't limit himself to sage mode Avatar is a joke compared to Naruto. True Naruto will kill Aang like he did Pein. Even Aang cant beat Pein narutos a joke. avatar will kill him. and if he doesnt katara will with her blood bending.

Could adult Avatar Aang beat adult Naruto?

honestly im more of a naruto an so i would go for naruto but i just checked up who’s more powerful and it says naruto is way stronger but anng is more experienced bec of avatar

Who wins Naruto or Aang?

well Anag can control all 4 elements but remeber Naruto has the nine tails fox , sage jutsu and sage of six paths that could be combined with sage mode and also has nine tails mode so i would say Naruto wins

Who is stronger Aang or naruto?

. Tsunade- 5th Hokage-Sama, Legendary Sanin, Greatest Medical-nin In The Naruto World, Greatest Female Ninja In The Naruto World! . Naruto- Main Protagonist, Son Of The 4th Hokage-Sama, Makes Friends & Bonds With Everyone He Meets [Not Evil People], Master Of The Rasengan and Wind Rasengan, Master Of The Kage Bunishin [Shadow Clone Jutsiu], Student Of Jariya, Carrier Of The 9-Tailed Fox, Will And Determination Of AnyBody! With The Nine-Tailed Fox Naruto. With Out Tsunade. yeah right! tsunade saved naruto from oarchimaru and said from that point on she was hokage... she even shortened her life for him!!!

Who would win in a Goku or aang?

goku he can destroy the universe

Who would win in a fight sasori vs Aang?

i'll go with aang because he can bloodbend

Aang Vs Sasukewho would win and why?

Aang would so win because if sasuke would try anything, it wouldn't matter 4 Aang could counter it with 1 of the 4 elements.Another thing is that sasuke is like a complete and utter hobo. AND Aang can go like avatar on him

Who would win in a fight avatar aang or 4 tail naruto?

are you kidding me.naruto would so win.its obvious for why.if the match first start of it would be in good clash sense both will bo equal at that time.naruto clones and trickry will ovewhelm aang cusein hin to go in to the avatar state which result in a shift for victory.note that avatar just made naruto made after serving a elemental beat down.naruto would then go nine tails.refering to the battle with him and sauske naruto would have a speed and strenght advantage.not to mention he woul have a better shield.aang shield four rocks one ring of fire and a ring of water and the rest is crappy wind.which we all know that its very penatralble.note if naruto chakara arm doent kill aang.his resengan will.naruto can take way more damge and has incridable speed when in nine tail stenrght and overwhelming strenght.aang would be able to track narutos speed because even a sharigan user couldn't re act in time.just refer to these battles and ask your self.could aang do dat or beat him.Naruto vs gaara/naruto vs neji/naruto vs sasuke.