

Best Answer

Optimus Prime: Her is 36 feet tall Chuck is like 6ish. Optimus has an Ion energy gun, energon blades, and energon hocks and more so Optimus Would turn Chuck into a bloody mess. Assuming he acctually fights him. Optimus Has strong moral values against hurting the human race.

Chuck Norris actually created Optimus. When he roundhouse kicked a smart car.

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12y ago

Darth Vader would choke Superman and Chuck Noris using the force. So that leaves Optimus Prime and Darth Vader. Darth Vader could not choke optimus Prime because Transformers do not breath. Optimus Prime could just step on Darth Vader and squish him.

So the result is:

Optimus Prime wins!

Darth Vader gets Second place!

Superman and Chuck Noris get last place!

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CHUCK NORRIS because he will eat optimus hit spiderman with a flyswatter and breathe on superman

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Q: Who would win Spider-Man and Superman vs Optimus Prime and Chuck Norris?
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Who would win in a fight Chuck Norris or Superman?

A no brainer.. Chuck Norris of course ;) heheh Consider - who has to wear his pajamas to work.

Is Chuck Norris stronger than Superman?

Chuck Norris because he can get cryptonite by smashing Luther's mansion and getting it, thus being able to put it on superman and killing him while weakened. In shorter words, because Chuck has no weaknesses, but superman has ONE, which can be used by Chuck.

Who would win in a fight Superman or Mike Ditka?

chuck Norris

Who Influenced Anton Van Leeuwenhoek's life?

Chuck Norris in superman undies

What is Chuck Norris like?

-Chuck Norris doesn't sleep..... He waits. -If Superman and Flash had a race.... Chuck Norris would win. -Kids have Superman nightlights, Superman has Chuck Norris nightlights. -Chuck Norris CAN touch MC Hammer. -When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down. -Chuck Norris CAN slam a revolving door. -Chuck Norris can get Blackjack with just one card -Guns don't kill people Chuck Norris kills people. -Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird. ---- -Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father did. -Chuck Norris won Russian Roulette, with a fully loaded gun. -Chuck Norris jumps into a lake. Chuck Norris doesn't get wet, the lake gets Chuck Norris-ed. -If you Google Chuck Norris and spell it wrong there are no suggestions or Related Searches. It just says run while you still have the chance. -Chuck Norris once shot down a German Fighter Pilot by making a gun with hus fingers and saying BANG! - A rattlesnake bit Chuck Norris' leg. After 5 days of extreme pain, the snake died. - A man once questioned Chuck Norris' power. That man is now known as "The biggest mistake ever made". - A blind man steps on Chuck Norris' shoe. Chuck Norris replies with "Do you know who I am? I'm Chuck Norris!". The man's blindness is instantly cured, just in time to see Chuck's shoe coming at his face. - Chuck Norris' tears cure Cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried. - Chuck Norris does not consider it sex if the girl survives. - Chuck Norris killed a man on the North Pole...while he was at the South Pole. - Chuck Norris will never die. Death will get chucked though. Chuck Norris is the last number of Pi. - Chuck Norris is an infinite bad-ass. - The most expensive special effects scene ever was when Chuck was killed in "Way of the Dragon". The first 200 times they shot the scene, the film showed him still alive.

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Who would win Chuck Norris or Superman?


What are some funny Chuck Norris's facts?

Chuck Norris doesn't do pushups - he pushes the earth down. Chuck Norris doesn't wear Superman pajamas - Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas. Chuck Norris doesn't sleep - he waits. Chuck Norris doesn't need a Twitter...he is already following you. -justin bieber I am Chuck Norris

Who would win Chuck Norris or Supeman?

some kids have a superman night light superman has a chuck Norris night light

Who would win in a fight Chuck Norris or Superman?

A no brainer.. Chuck Norris of course ;) heheh Consider - who has to wear his pajamas to work.

Is Chuck Norris stronger than Superman?

Chuck Norris because he can get cryptonite by smashing Luther's mansion and getting it, thus being able to put it on superman and killing him while weakened. In shorter words, because Chuck has no weaknesses, but superman has ONE, which can be used by Chuck.

Who would win in a fight Superman or Mike Ditka?

chuck Norris

What is Eddie Murphy's net worth?

more then superman, batman , and wonderwoman combined not more then Chuck Norris , because no one beats chuck Norris

What kind of pajamas does Superman wear?

Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas. He wears Jack Bauer pajamas!

Who Influenced Anton Van Leeuwenhoek's life?

Chuck Norris in superman undies

Is Chuck Norris Superman?


Who would win in a Cage Fight Between Chuck Norris Spider-Man and a 300 Kilogram Lettuce?

Chuck Norris!He would stare at the lettuce and will it to turn into radioactive self propelling anti-spiderman juice that will leap onto spiderman and destroy him before self combusting into veggie compost