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Q: Who would win Spider-Man vs hulk vs woverine vs ironman vs thor vs giantman vs Captain America?
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Is spider man stronger than captain America?

No spiderman was improved in his sight and can fling webs captain America is imProved in strength so captain America is stronger then spiderman

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Is Captain America stronger than iron man?

Of course he is. Captain America gets his strength from a mutation that he endured. Ironman's strength lies in his suit. As soon as Ironman is Tony Stark, he is just another human being with billions of dollars on hand. When Captain America is Steven Rogers, he still has super human strength and super human endurance.

Who would win Spider-Man and ironman vs Captain America and thor?

spiderman and ironman

Who declined joining the New Avengers?

Captain America Captain America It was actually daredevil.

Whose better Captain America or Spider-Man?

Spiderman (ps his new movie is better too)

Who would win Spider Man vs hulk vs woverine vs ironman vs thor vs giantman vs Captain America?

The Hulk. As far as I can see he is just ridiculously overpowered above and beyond the point of being able to kill the entire universe. I actually don't like him as a 'hero' but he's likely the one who'd win. watch the new Avengers movie and you'll see that all other heroes in it are worried about fighting him and want to avoid it.

what is tom hollands death about?

Tom Holland Dies by the spiderman suit in Captain America the first avenger and in Captain Marvel.

Could you tillme 5 comic books action hero's that were made to movies?

Captain America, Spiderman, Ironman, Daredevil, Batman.

What types of Spider-Man are there?

There is spiderman 2099, spiderman noir, Captain Universe (spiderman), spiderman when he wore a fantastic four costume, symbiote spiderman, spider-carnage, armour spiderman, man-spider, spiderman 2211, spiderman with ock's machine arms, amazing spiderman, scarlett spider, spiderman unlimited, ben reilly and peter Parker. Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood spiderman ;)

How does spiderman die in spiderman 4?

That will not happen because Spider-Man 4 will never be made. The next movie is going to be a reboot with the character played by a different actor.Venom never died in Spiderman 3 as many would think.

Which superhero comic books were made with radiation?

1. Spiderman became spiderman when Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. 2. Hulk became hulk when Bruce Banner had the misfortune of being exposed to radiation in the lab. 3. The Fantastic Four are able to contort, disappear, heat up and clobber things because of a nuclear explosion. I know there's Captain America but I'm not sure how.(Captain America became Captain America through a version of the same formula that transformed Dr Banner into the Hulk. Dr. Banner was trying to recreate the formula and turned himself into the Hulk) 1. Spiderman became spiderman when Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. 2. Hulk became hulk when Bruce Banner had the misfortune of being exposed to radiation in the lab. 3. The Fantastic Four are able to contort, disappear, heat up and clobber things because of a nuclear explosion. I know there's Captain America but I'm not sure how.(see above)