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No modern crocodile would be able to beat an adult Tyrannosaurus rex in a battle, but it could escape to the water. A large crocodile, however, could kill a very young Tyrannosaurus.

Some prehistoric crocodile species, such as Deinosuchus or Sarchosuchus, were far larger than any modern species, growing up to 40 feet long. These didn't live at the same time as Tyrannosaurus, but if an adult of one of these species came across a T-rex, they would have been relatively evenly matched at first. However, if the T-rex survived long enough, the crocodile would have run out of energy and been forced to retreat to the water. There is some fossil evidence that T-rex may have lived in packs, and if this is the case, a pack of T-rex would have had a huge advantage over any Deinosuchus attack.

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Q: Who would win a fight- a croc or T. rex?
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