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Q: Who would win ultraman vs 59 ants vs King Kong vs 7777777777 snakes vs 6 sharks?
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Who would win ultraman or Godzilla in a fight?

Godzilla would stomp ultraman

What are 2 carnivores?

Two examples of carnivores would be lions and snakes.

How many different animals in shark bay?

you would find sharks lots of sharks and dolphins and lots of fishes and turtles, sting rays, sea snakes and the worlds largest population of manatees and also migrating humpback whales.

What would happen if sharks had legs?

If sharks had legs, they would not be sharks.

When was the Ultraman Nexus series first aired?

Popular in Japan, the Ultraman Nexus series debuted on October 2nd, 2004. The series would have a total of 37 episodes and is currently available on DVD for home viewing.

What animal is on the top of a food chain?

Humans are very powerfull and can kill anything on earth Without are technology we would be low in the foid chain and tigers & lions &sharks would over rule us

Would you feel scared of sharks in Australia?

I would be scared of sharks anywhere

Are lemon sharks one of the fastest sharks?

are lemon sharks the fastetshark in the would

What would your world be like if Sharks were to become extinct?

The world without sharks would mean that there would not be shark skin purses, shark fin soup and no more sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

Does limestone keep snakes away?

No, it has no properties that would repel snakes.

Do sharks bight?

Not all sharks bite, the types of sharks that do bite humans and or kill would be, Bull sharks which live in lakes and rivers usually (ST. Lawrence river.) Tiger sharks would do the same damage as a Bull shark. they eat everything in SITE. those would be the deadliest sharks in the world. Now the Great white shark will bite but humans are not the main course on the menu. mainly seals and sea lions. Other types that could bite humans would be, Macao sharks, Hammerhead sharks, black and white tip reef sharks to. If you are in there territory. and Lemon sharks. The rest would not do a lot of damage to humans.

Where are sharks located at Daytona Beach?

The most common shark seen would be the bull sharks. Lemon sharks would be the second. Occasionally you might see nurse sharks and Caribbean reef sharks, but unlikely. There are several smaller spices that would go unnoticed by most people.