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Q: Who wrote Twas ever thus and ever thus will be?
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What is the exact source of the quotation.... twas ever thus and ever thus shall be?

In the movie Carpe Diem Robin Williams says, "A man must dream or no man can he be, 'twas ever thus and ever thus shall be."

Who wrote twas the night?

Clement Clark Moore

Who wrote the famous poem that started twas the night before Christmas and when was it written?

Clement Clarke Moore wrote Twas the Night Before Christmas, and it was originally published 1823.

Who wrote 'twas the night before chritsmas?

Clement Clarke Moore

What is the source of the quotation 'Twas ever thus'?

Thomas Moore's poem "The Fire Worshippers" (1817) contains the line "Oh! Ever thus from childhood's hour" and parodies of this poem, such as in Charles Dickens' "The Old Curiosity Shop' often instead used `twas ever thus' as did Charles Stuart Calverley's "Disaster". Though William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (1601-02) contains some similar lines, none are close enough to deem it the origin of the phrase.

Who wrote the book Angela's Ashes?

Angela's Ashes and 'Twas were written by Frank McCourt.

What color of dress did sadducee's wore?

Thus to my knowledge, i believe it twas an white common dress.

When was TWAS created?

TWAS was created in 1983.

How many syllables is 'twas?

'Twas is one syllable.

Who wrote the book Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

The author who wrote twas the night before Christmas?

The original poem was titled "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and was written by Clement Clarke Moore.

Who wrote ''Twas the night before Christmas''?

This is disputed. It was either Clement Clarke Moore or Henry Livingston