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Q: Who wrote a book about his travels to China and India?
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Did Marco Polo become famous for a book he wrote on his travels to China?

yes he did

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Megasthenes wrote a book called "Indika" which is an account of his travels in India during the 4th century BC.

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The book "India Divided" was written by Rajendra Prasad. He was the first President of India and wrote the book to reflect on the partition of India in 1947.

Who lived in China in the 1200s and wrote a famous book about it?

Marco Polo, an Italian merchant, lived in China in the 1200s and wrote a famous book called "The Travels of Marco Polo," which documented his experiences and observations during his time in China. His book introduced Europeans to the wonders of the East, including the Silk Road and the Mongol Empire.

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The book India is for Sale was written by Chitra Subramaniam.

What did Marco Polo do when he returned to Venice?

He wrote his book about his travels. then died

What were Marco Polos accomplishments?

Marco Polo traveled to China with his father and uncle over the Silk Road which was an overland route to China. He worked for Kublai Khan, the Mongol Emperor, for seventeen years. He sailed home instead of going overland. He brought back ivory, jade, jewels, porcelain and silk. He told about the Chinese use of coal, money and compasses. He met Rustichello, a famous writer, who wrote about Marco Polo's travels in a book called THE BOOK OF TRAVELS. Marco Polo became famous for his travels through Central Asia and China. His book gave Europeans some of their earliest information about China.

Who wrote the book travels with Charley?

It was written by John Steinbeck.

Did Marco Polo Wright books?

Marco Polo wrote the book, "Travels"

Who traveled to china and wrote a book about it?

Marco Polo.