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In the book a Wrinkle In Time, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which were really stars in human form. The book was written by Madeline L'Engle.

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Q: Who wrote a science fiction book where stars were life forms?
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Who wrote the science fiction book about a boy who finds a shed where time speeds up He also wrote the book about the mystical silver rock that allowed people to time travel?

William Sleator "Singularity"

Was H G Wells against Darwin's theory of evolution?

Actually, quite the opposite is the case. He wrote several articles on the subject, and even used the concept in some of his science fiction stories.

Who wrote It is still open to discussion whether psychology is a natural science or whether it can be regarded as a science at all?


Why are upper-main-sequence stars also called high-luminosity stars unlikely sites for intelligent civilizations?

Our Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. While making any hard-and-fast assertions based on a single sample is foolish, it seems likely that it took quite a while for life to develop the Earth, and a substantial LONGER time for intelligent life to develop.(The fact that the Earth has been irregularly whacked by large objects from space hasn't helped much.)If our single example is typical (about which we can only guess) then high-mass stars which develop and go nova or supernova in less than a couple of hundred million years may not allow enough time for life to form on any hypothetical planets around them.However, it is possible that other forms of life might arise in vastly different environments, and might happen much more quickly. The physicist Dr. Robert Forward wrote a science fiction novel entitled "Dragon's Egg" concerning a race of intelligent beings who live on the surface of a neutron star.

Who was smokey yunic?

He was an auto critic in the 50's and 60's. He wrote many columns including a monthly column In Popular Science through the l950's

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Octavia Butler wrote science fiction was very shy and had dyslexia. She became interested in reading science fiction at the public library.

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Michael Crichton wrote Timeline. It is a story about time travel. Time travel is considered science fiction.

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It was Isaac Asimov!

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Charles Dickens -- and it is not science fiction.

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"Needle" was written by Hal Clement .

What science fiction writer wrote the three laws of roboctics?

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