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The author, Ezekiel, was a priest in the temple at Jerusalem towards the end of the monarchy in Judah, and was then deported to Babylon in 597 BCE, and wrote his book there. The Book of Ezekiel is notable for the careful way in which the author regularly tells us the exact date on which he receives his visions. Either Ezekiel was attempting to assure his sceptical readers that he really did experience these visions before the related prophecies came to pass, or he kept a series of journal notes, dating each one as written, for future reference. The prophet Ezekiel is never mentioned elsewhere in the Old Testament, leading to some debate as to whether his name was a pseudonym, perhaps for a slightly later author, but this view does not have strong support.

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The Talmud says (Baba Batra 15a) that not Ezekiel himself wrote his book but the sages of the Kneset-Hagdola ("The big gathering") wrote it. It is explained (by Rashi commentary) that this is because the prophesies in the book were told in Babylon outside of the holy land of Israel and therefore not allowed to be written. (The holy books of the Tanakh were allowed to be written only in the Land of Israel according to this tradition.)


Ezekiel himself, although in many cases God dictated to him. It is mentioned around 60 times that God spoke to Ezekiel.

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Yechezkel (Ezekiel) himself, with the help of God.

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Ezekiel in The Bible?

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