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Q: Who wrote the most letters to early church?
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What are letters written by the early church called?

The Apostle Paul wrote most of the New Testament as letters to different churches. For instance: Galatians was written to a church in Galatia; Phillippians to a church in Phillippi; Corinthians to a church in Corinth, etc.

Who wrote most of the the letters in the new testament?

Paul aka Saul wrote the most letters in the New Testament

Who wrote most of the letters in the New Testament?

Paul aka Saul wrote the most letters in the New Testament

What leaders of the early Church wrote letters that are included in the New Testament?

St. Paul, St. Peter, St. John, St. Jude all wrote epistles. St. James also wrote an epistle but it is uncertain if he was James the greater, James the lesser or another James.

Who wrote most of the letters in the new testemant?

Most of the letters in the new testament is written by Paul.

Who mostly wrote the letters in the Bible?

St. Paul (formerly Saul of Taurus) wrote most (not all) of the letters in the Bible.

Who is author of most letters in Christian scriptures?

Paul wrote most of them

Who was the man who wrote most of the testament?

It was Saul later known as Paul who wrote most of the letters in the new testament , including one in jail.

Who wrote most of the letters in the second half of the Bible?

Paul was the most prolific of the New Testament writers.

Who wrote the majority of the letters that make up the New Testament?

The letters that make up the New Testament of the Bible are written to churches in different areas. Most of these letters were written by Paul.

A timeline of when St. Paul wrote his letters?

Saint Paul lived approximately from the year 5 until approximately the year 67. He probably wrote his letters in the middle and late parts of his life. There are several letters written in Paul's name that most likely were written by others.

Who was an early Church leader as well as a philosopher of his day?

St Augustine was the most important early Catholic theologian and a Neo-Platonist philosopher.