

Whole milk should give to calf after how many days?

Updated: 4/6/2020
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13y ago

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A calf should be given milk (non-pasteurized) until it is around 3 months of age, not after so many days.

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Q: Whole milk should give to calf after how many days?
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Only give Oxytocin when it's necessary, don't give it just because you can. You should really talk to your vet about this, and consider selling off the cow if she can't produce milk for her calf. You'll have to bottle-feed the calf yourself if Oxytocin won't be enough to help the cow give enough milk for her calf. So please, do your animals a favour and talk to your local large animal veterinarian.

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If by "injection" you are referring to artificial insemination (which is not considered an injection when breeding cows), and it has been only 282 days since she conceived then you are being too impatient. The normal gestation length for a cow (on average) is 285 or 286 days long. Gestation, however, ranges depending on the cow's breed. She can give birth at any time between 275 days to 300 days of gestation. So I suggest you be patient and let Nature take its course. Your cow will let you know when it is time that the calf should arrive.

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NOTHING can or should replace Colostrum when feeding a newborn calf. You MUST feed a new baby calf colostrum within 24 hours after it is born. There is nothing man-made or similar than can replace colostrum.

I have lower calve pain can it be helped?

The best thing to do for leg pain, especially lower calf pain, is to give it time to heal. A couple of days rest should let your legs rest and make sure you alternate hot and cold.

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That all depends how much calf-muscle exercising you do. If you do Pointe, your whole leg will get strong--but not bulky. Ballet doesn't really give you hulking muscles.

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Only a general overview of the infectious agents for calf diarrhea is included here.

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Absolutely NONE. Do not give any pain meds to a calf if it does not need it.

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give birth to a calf.