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Joshua was the leader of the Israelites after the death of Moses. It was him that led them across the Jordan River into the promised land (Canaan.)

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Q: Whom did God appoint to be the leader of Israel after Moses?
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Whom did Joshua appoint as his successor?

Yes Joshua was Moses successor, and it was Joshua who lead the Jews into the promised land.

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The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. They are a set of ethical and moral principles that form the basis of many religious and ethical traditions.

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Moses was a former Egyptian prince later turned prophet, religious leader and lawgiver, to whom the authorship of the Torah is traditionally attributed. He was from the tribe of Levi. In 1445 bc five years after Death of Thutmose III's death, Moses returns to Egypt. (Exodus 4:18-7:13) He then becomes the leader of the Israeli.

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Who helped Moses and Aaron talk to the children of Israel in the King James version of the Bible?

It seems pretty clear that it was God Himself who gave strength to Moses and Aaron for all the things they did. Your question isn't very clearly stated. Moses asked God how he would be able to speak to the children of Israel, since he was not articulate, and God said He would have Aaron speak for him.AnswerAs the Israelites were all looking to the family and tribal elders for guidance and knowledge it was relatively simple. Moses and Aaron simply called for the elders of the the tribes to diseminate GOD'S message to the family elders whom in tern passed it on to all the Israelites. In Judism today one would most likely be looking to the rabbis to do the same thing. How did Moses and Aaron get the Israelites to believe what they were saying? It is possible and very likely that some did not. But because Moses and Aaron were obeying GOD to go before Pharao and to the children of Israel GOD opens both the hearts of the children of Israel and most likely some of the Egyptians to believe or have faith. Keep in mind that when the children of Israel asked for valuables as they were departing, scriptures states that the Egytians gave them pretty much without limit what they asked for. There is no doubt that the ones whom did so found themselves and their households blessed.